Home > Not a lot to do

Not a lot to do

July 17th, 2006 at 03:29 am

Well, thats not true, theres a lot that I could do, just not a lot I want to.
This weekend has been pretty cheap. Went to a friend's house party on Friday, so I got boozed up for cheap. Unfortunatly, between the gift and the chinese buffet beforehand, the damage was around 30 dollars. I don't feel too bad about it though, because I haven't eaten out in a restaurant in two weeks, I missed it. Saturday hit the gym, made dinner, and went to the mall. It seems my sneakers are falling apart and need to be replaced. Went to DSW and got a hot looking pair of New Balances for 55 bucks, plus a 10 dollar pair of shoes for the lab at Payless. Now I can wear sandles to work on really hot days. Those two expenses are thankfully covered by my parents, but I like to try to still get good bargains on them. Gives me practice for when I'm really on my own.
I'm anticipating a 70 dollar payment from Amazon for selling one of my textbooks online. So while I was at the mall, I decided to buy a Fatboy Slim CD, as I haven't bought a CD in over a year. It felt good to do it again. The rest of that money goes toward the credit card bill.

I got my money software in linux up and running. Now I have to copy my budget file over from windows, and unfortunatly start sticking to it. I thought it would be simple, but now I'm starting to see I might need some more restraint with myself, plus the motivation to keep the records up to date, so I know how much I have left.

1 Responses to “Not a lot to do”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    How nice that you are careful with your parents' money! I'm sure they appreciate it.

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