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Archive for August, 2006

Call me Oscar

August 2nd, 2006 at 12:21 am

Or a garbageman. My upstairs neighbors are loud and obnoxious, throw beer bottle off their balcony and pound around on their floor. Its really annoying. However there is one thing they do for me.
I might have mentioned before, but I'm not too used to getting money back for your recycling like you can in New York. You come out even if its your own containers, but if someone else paid the deposit, its free money.
When I got home from work today they had thrown 3 large trash bags out onto the lawn. Being the compulsive person I am, I picked them up to put them on our trash pad and I heard a significant amount of glass and aluminum. Well, I opened the bags up and donned a pair of nitrile gloves. After 20 minutes of rooting around through matter best not described, and a quick trip to the store, I was 6 bucks richer. It's not a lot, but its a night out at a bar or a lunch or two home cooked meals. Perhaps its too little for too much effort, but I like free money.